Creation of Dwarves

The angels were created in larger and larger numbers to be toys to the gods. The deities retired into great palaces and cities while the angels were left to wander through the world of Aspenta and play. The only rule was that they had to entertain the deities if they were asked. The angels played everywhere. They flew through the air, climbed great mountains, swam the seas of the world, ran through the forests and lingered in the deserts. Nothing harmed them for they had the divine protection of the deities. Still, there was one place they could not go. The earth on which they strode was impassable. They learned to dig but were extremely limited. Therefore they met with the gods and requested "We want more power over the earth, the same power that we have over the rest of the world."

The discussion that followed was long for the gods could not defy the anchoring of the world and did not have as much power as Retam did. Finally, the angels suggested "Let us create a new race, one that would be limited only to the earth but would serve as our servants."

Together, the gods and the angels designed a new race. It had to be small to fit into the small holes in the ground but still as large as possible. They had to be infused with all the skills and knowledge concerning earth. It wasn't long before the gods and the angels created the first dwarf.

"There is no life in this creature." An angel remarked.

The gods explained, "This creature is so weak that not even the kiss of the angels would be enough to wake it, and if we made it more powerful it would become an angel like the rest of you."

A wise angel by the name of Moradin stepped forward "There must be other possibilities. Maybe we can enhance the kiss of the angels?"

So the first adventure began. Moradin left his kin to search for something that would heighten the kiss of the angels so that they could give life to the dwarves. First, he sought out a gem in the natural mines of the world, seeking a stone bright and powerful. As he scoured through the caves beneath the surface he found a place filled with bright stones that he began to dig out until he had enough minerals to create a single dwarf. Then he returned to the gods and his kin.

Together, the gods and the angels fused the power of the gems with the kiss of the angels and it wasn't long before they could kiss the dwarves to life. With the first dwarf created, the angels knew that they needed more minerals to create more and they soon got the first dwarf into the mines of the world to dig for more minerals so that his brethren could be created. As time passed, more and more dwarves appeared and soon the kiss of the angels passed through the generations of mortals.
